Dentists routinely recommend wisdom teeth removal surgery to extract one or more permanent erupting between 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth erupt at the very back of the mouth in the bottom and top jaws.
Wisdom teeth often don’t have sufficient room to erupt in the jaw and remain impacted to cause pain and other problems. In such cases, the dental clinic recommends you have the tooth pulled by an oral surgeon. Unfortunately, dentists and oral surgeons often recommend wisdom teeth removal even when the impacted teeth aren’t causing any problems.
The third molars, the last teeth to erupt between 17 and 25, usually erupt in some people, but most confront problems because they remain impacted below the gum line. In addition, people develop impacted wisdom teeth because of insufficient space in their jawbone to accommodate the third molars.
Impacted wisdom teeth grow at an angle towards the second molar towards the back of the mouth. The teeth erupt at a right angle to the other teeth like the tooth is lying down within the jawbone. They may also try to emerge like your other teeth but remain trapped within the jawbone.
If your wisdom teeth are impacted, you will likely need wisdom teeth removal surgery to have them extracted. Impacted wisdom teeth result in various problems causing pain, trapping food and debris behind the wisdom tooth, tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth, besides infections and gum disease.
Wisdom teeth also damage the adjacent teeth or surrounding bone and are problematic if you receive orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth. Even also develop a fluid-filled sac around the wisdom tooth.
The dental clinic you visit recommends wisdom teeth removal to avoid dental problems later that may cause unnecessary complications.
Dental specialists are uncertain about whether asymptomatic wisdom teeth require extraction or not. Therefore, predicting impending problems with wisdom teeth is challenging. However, removal is often suggested as a preventive measure.
Wisdom teeth removal surgery is often an outpatient procedure indicating you can return home the same day after wisdom teeth removal. You get directions from the dental clinic near you on what to do before the surgery and after.
The anesthesia you receive during wisdom teeth removal makes you tired and groggy, unable to drive vehicles. Therefore it helps if you make arrangements for someone to go you home after getting the teeth extracted. In addition, preparing ahead of time with plenty of soft foods helps keep yourself nourished immediately after wisdom teeth removal.
Besides the above, you must share information about your entire medical history giving the dentist all information about any prescription and over-the-counter medications you take.
You may receive local, sedation, or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the wisdom teeth extraction and your anxiety level. After your mouth is completely numb, the professional’s incisions in the gum tissue expose the tooth and bone. Next, the professional removes any bone blocking access to the tooth root. If removal of the tooth is easier in pieces, the dentist may divide the tooth infections. After the wisdom teeth removal, the dentist cleans the extraction site, removing debris from the tooth or bone.
Sutures are placed in the wound to promote healing, although they are not needed in many cases. The professional places gauze over the extraction site to help the formation of a blood clot.
If you have received total anesthesia, you must remain in the dental clinic or hospital until you fully recover from the anesthetic effects. However, if you underwent the procedure receiving local anesthesia, you recover in the dentist’s chair, ready to return home after the tooth removal. You receive after-care instructions from the dentist or oral surgeon on how to manage your recovery. In addition, you can use the following tips to help your recovery proceed smoothly.
You undoubtedly experience pain and swelling near the extraction site. Use painkillers as prescribed by your dentist besides an ice pack or your cheeks at 10-minute intervals to prevent swelling.
Do not jump into your regular activities immediately after wisdom teeth removal to prevent dislodging of the blood clot. You must avoid strenuous activity for at least a week besides avoiding smoking, alcohol, and mouthwash with alcohol.
The soft foods you purchased before the surgery come in handy after wisdom teeth removal because eating hard, crunchy, and spicy foods cause problems and irritate the wound.
Follow your dentist’s instructions to the word to ensure you don’t encounter any problems during the recovery and make wisdom teeth removal an uncomplicated procedure.
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